Serving static content with NestJS and Express
NestJS can serve static content when running on an Express server. This is useful when you want to host a React frontend website through your Nest service.
NestJS can serve static content when running on an Express server. This is useful when you want to host a React frontend website through your Nest service.
You can extend your Express.js server by writing custom middleware functions. These functions intercept every request and allow you to add custom functionality or filters. You can also pass the request to other middleware functions.
You can set up an Express server with Webpack's Hot Module Replacement (HMR) to host a React web application. The article provides code examples and instructions on how to configure your server and web application.
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Heroku, a polyglot platform. It covers topics such as setting up a Node.js environment, connecting a Git repository, writing a Node.js application, connecting a GitHub repository, getting logs, running CLI apps, and working with databases.