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Improve your TypeScript workflow with Code Snippets
Learn how to improve your TypeScript workflow by using code snippets. This article provides a code example for logging a JSON response into a file using Node.js and TypeScript.
Sometimes you may want to log a simple JSON response into a file. It's quite easy to do in a Node.js environment with TypeScript. Just require Node's internal fs module and use the writeFileSync
Code Example
For CommonJS packages, the following code snippet can be used to write an object into a file:
const payload = { name: 'text' };
require('node:fs').writeFileSync(`dump-${Date.now()}.json`, JSON.stringify(payload));
If your package is an ECMAScript module, you can achieve the same result importing the module dynamically with await import
const payload = { name: 'text' };
(await import('node:fs')).writeFileSync(`dump-${Date.now()}.json`, JSON.stringify(payload));
Improve Your Workflow
To speed up your development process, convert the provided code into a reusable snippet associated with specific keystrokes. Most modern IDEs offer this functionality to simplify usage. As an example, I have assigned the keys "dump" to the code shown above. As a result, I can easily generate log files by typing "dump" and pressing the "Tab" key on my keyboard.
Templates in WebStorm
For example, WebStorm has a feature called Live Templates that can automatically convert a sequence of characters into TypeScript code.
Templates in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code offers a feature known simply as Snippets. You can define your own code snippets by using "Show All Commands" and selecting "Snippets: Configure User Snippets". This will allow you to create snippets for TypeScript files which will be stored in the following path on Windows:
Within this file, you can now set up your own snippets such as "dump":
"Dump Logs": {
"body": ["(await import('node:fs')).writeFileSync(`dump-${Date.now()}.json`, JSON.stringify(${1:payload}));$0"],
"description": "Dump Logs",
"prefix": "dump"
To use the snippet, open a TypeScript file, then use "Show All Commands" and select "Snippets: Insert Snippet" to finally select "dump".