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What are Generics and why you should use them?

Generics in TypeScript help create reusable components that work with different data types while keeping type safety. They use placeholders for types, like in the example of managing animals in a zoo, making code adaptable and efficient.

Generics in TypeScript enable developers to create components—such as functions, classes, and interfaces—that can work with a variety of data types while maintaining type safety. They introduce placeholders for types that are specified when the component is used, allowing for code reusability.

Generics Example

Let's apply generics to a real-world scenario: managing animals in a zoo. We'll start by defining interfaces for generic animals (Animal) and their specifications of Dog and Fish. The Animal interface will hold properties shared between Dog and Fish while their specific interfaces hold properties and methods applicable only to a Dog or a Fish.

interface Animal {
  name: string;
  makeSound(): void;
interface Dog extends Animal {
  breed: string;
  bark(): void;
interface Fish extends Animal {
  finColor: string;
  spawn(): void;

Generic Functions

Next, we'll create a generic function called printDetails to print specific details of any animal.

function printDetails<T extends Animal>(animal: T) {
  console.log(`Name: ${animal.name}`);
  if ('breed' in animal) {
    console.log(`Dog: Breed - ${animal.breed}`);
  } else if ('finColor' in animal) {
    console.log(`Fish: Fin Color - ${animal.finColor}`);

Notice that the generic Type (T) is being used as a placeholder for the type to be used when calling the printDetails function. You can chose any other name than T but historically T is often chosen to mark a generic type.

Type Arguments

Now, let's create instances of dogs and fish and use our printDetails function:

const labrador: Dog = {
  name: 'Max',
  breed: 'Labrador',
  bark: () => console.log('Woof!'),
  makeSound: () => console.log('Barking...'),
const goldfish: Fish = {
  name: 'Nemo',
  finColor: 'orange',
  spawn: () => console.log('More Nemos incoming.'),
  makeSound: () => console.log('Glub glub...'),

If you like, you can also supply the type argument explicitly to the printDetails function. This is necessary in cases where TypeScript cannot infer the type argument for you.


As shown above you can now use the printDetails function with various types without having to adjust the business logic. This makes Generics a powerful tool when building applications for diverse domains.

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